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How To Stay Organized When Working From Home

How To Stay Organized When Working From Home

Working remotely or from home has become the new norm in 2020 and a lot of companies such as Twitter and Shopify have announced that they will continue to adopt the remote-working work environment even after COVID has come and gone. 

If you're new to the WFH situation, hi! Welcome!

We know it can be pretty intimidating and hard to get used to at first so we're here to share our favourite tips and tricks on how you can stay organized even when you're working from home.

How to stay organized when working from home

Why is it important to stay organized?

Some of you might be wondering "is it really that important keep an organized workspace? Isn't part of the benefit of working from home just being to work from wherever and whenever?"

Although we do agree that working from home provides the benefit of location freedom and a more flexible schedule, it is still important to establish an organized and motivating workspace as that's the best way for you to stay productive and inspired while working from home. 

The biggest complaint we've heard from new WFH-ers is that it's hard to stay focused when they're not in the office space because their mindset isn't in "work mode". But if you stay organized and set some rules for yourself, it's easy to establish a good "working space" to help you get into that working mindset. 

 Tips to help you get started

1. Create a work schedule 

Although yes, flexibility with your schedule is one of the best things about working remotely, we still are heavy believers that you need to set a "work schedule". This may not need to be your typical 9-5, but it does need to exist. 

Surveys, like this one from Airtasker, has shown that remote-workers actually are more productive than those who work from the office. 

2. Set rules for your household 

If you live alone, then setting rules for yourself is what you need to do. But if you live with your family, it's important to set boundaries and rules for them to help you stay motivated. 

When you first start working from home, it may be difficult for your family to identify when is work time and when you are available to them. Let them know your work hours so that they can learn to help you stay focused throughout your workday. 

3. Turn off notifications to create time for deep work

Most people automatically think that it's better to stay more connected with their colleagues when working from home. We totally agree that it's good to over-communicate, especially as you and your team are still getting used to the dynamic of working remotely. But do also schedule time in your day to turn off all notifications to create time for deep work. 

What is deep work?

Deep work is defined as "activities performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that push your cognitive capabilities to their limits". Aka no emails, no notification, no phone, no browsing. Just focusing on the task at hand and allowing yourself to enter your "productive zone". 

4. Keep an organized workspace 

A messy space = a messy mind. Not only does keeping your space organized bring physical benefits like being able to find what you're looking for whenever you need it, but it also helps with promoting a productive mindset as well. 

Studies show that keeping an organized workspace allows for reduced stress levels, increased productivity, and even helps with saving-time. 

Some tools, like our birch laptop stand and monitor stand helps with organization as well as ergonomics—helping you keep good posture and relieve stress on your back, shoulders, and neck. 

5. Find ways to stay connected to colleagues 

As we mentioned above, it's important to improve your communication with your colleagues, especially if you and your team are new to remote working. It's better to over-communicate than under-communicate! 


What's our number one tip to making sure that you don't burn out working from home? TAKE BREAKS! Often people will take their breaks and lunches right at their desk/in their workspace and end up staying working longer than their average workday in the office. This is a surefire way to burn out! 

When scheduling your workday, make sure that you schedule in breaks as well. Whether that's just going for a walk, going to cook lunch, or spending some time with your family. Let yourself take the breaks that you need to maintain a productive and motivated mindset. 

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